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Extra Special Bitter

Extra Special Bitter

The Extra Special Bitter, ESB for those in the know, is an amber beer, a classic of England’s public houses. On the nose, smooth and crispy malt aromas dominate this creamy beer. On the palate, the bitterness is firm and dry despite the sustained presence of grains and biscuits. As it has undergone a nitrogen carbonation process and is poured from a creamer tap, this beer is moderately carbonated and presents an extremely smooth texture of fine bubbles, inevitably arousing one’s craving for the next sip. New version of a typically British series, this ESB is designed for those who appreciate rich, tasty classic beers and for readers of Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle. Smooth and tasty, this beer is without a shadow of a doubt Sherlock Holmes’ chosen refreshment after an unsuccessful investigation into Professor Moriarty’s activities. “You must know, my dear Watson, that a pint of Bitter on Baker Street will not lead us to the solution, but my instinct tells me that all this bitterness is not going to keep us away from it either… Elementary, my dear Watson! “

Extra Special Bitter