Fous Alliés
Fous Alliés
Created from a sour wort, and then 100% fermented with brettanomyces, Fous alliés is a pulpy, dry blond reminiscent of a dry white wine and the effervescence of Champagne. It features a fruity profile which is the result of a 30-day long maceration process with 150 lbs of mangoes. The palate is quickly engulfed by the flavour of slightly peppery mango which then stretches out to an extremely refreshing acidity.
- Type
- Brett mango beer
- Alcool
- 5.7%
- Yeast
- Bretts|Saison + Bretts
Who it is for
Target Clientele: We’ve been cultivating a friendship with our pals from Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co, in Vankleek Hill, for quite some time. However, it was only in 2012 that we crossed the Ontarian border to brew this precious interprovincial liquid, the Fous Alliés. Almost a year later, they also undertook a perilous journey to the land of the Patriots so we could finally quench our thirst as well. This beer is designed for all of those who are aware that friendship and expertise know no borders.